Clarie Gor.

Clarie Gor is a Kenyan writer and editor. Her ultimate goal is to create an expansive body of work—via fiction, (creative) nonfiction and data storytelling—that documents the lives of African women and children in ways that are kind, honest and nuanced. Currently, her fiction is an exploration of the intersection of structural and interpersonal violence—how women and children caught up in these violence(s) respond. Her writing has been published in Lolwe, Shenandoah, Catapult, SmokeLong Quarterly, The Audacity, Stillpoint Magazine, Kalahari Review, Equipoise—the Nairobi Writing Academy 2020 Anthology, among others. Her stories have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, The Caine Prize for African Writing and shortlisted for The Bridport Short story Prize. She won the February 2019 Igby Prize for Nonfiction. She is the Managing Editor at A Long House, a literary journal committed to Black thought and imagination. Her favourite task in this capacity is curating conversions between artists—in using conversation as a map through our collective imagination and the potential radical futures that lie therein. She is the editor of Debunk Women, a vertical of Debunk Media dedicated to unmasking, understanding and celebrating women through our stories.